Papers should be four to six pages long including all the necessary references, figures and tables. They should not mention any information about the authors, including self‐references. Manuscripts should be written in one of the two official languages of the SAAEI’24 Conference, either Spanish or English.
Papers will be submitted only through the EasyChair application. The instructions for submitting a paper are the following:
All the papers should be saved as PDF files, following the template of the conference, doc, Latex and pdf, available on the web site. The following information must be indicated in the application::
- Title.
- Authors.
- Topic area.
- A summary less than 3000 characters long.
Instructions for summiting a paper
In order to upload an article to the EasyChair platform, please follow the instructions below:
- Create an EasyChair account.
To submit your work, you must log in to EasyChair using an account. If you already have an account go to step 2. If not, log in to EasyChair and click on “Create an account”. Once you have received the confirmation email, you will need to continue to fill in your personal details.
From “My Account” option in the EasyChair menu, you can add multiple email accounts to your profile, change your username and password, and merge several EasyChair accounts into a single account. - Log in with your account on the EasyChair submission Web page for SAAEI 2024 and choose “make a new submission”.
If you have multiple roles (e.g., author and reviewer), you must choose to log in as an author to make a submission. - Choose the topic area or track to which you want to submit the article.
Only one topic area can be selected. - Complete the following information:
Author information.
Title and abstract.
Key words.
Presentation preference. - Upload the document in .pdf format.
- Confirm the submission by clicking on the “Submit” button.